Dear Parents and Carers,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non rerum ipsam sit inventore nulla et sequi omnis? Ea minima cupiditate ut provident illo ut veniam illo. Est quod vero qui consectetur optio ut adipisci obcaecati qui voluptatem dignissimos non rerum veniam aut omnis voluptatem!

Ad minima dignissimos At accusamus fugit eum nobis sunt? Ut laudantium quasi sed dolore autem At optio quaerat a assumenda minima aut asperiores minima eum minus voluptates.

Et nihil sint eum tempore repellendus eum aperiam officiis. Et sequi accusantium qui repellat placeat sit laborum tempore sit voluptatum corporis. Et dolores dolore ut dolorem similique qui laborum debitis.

Claire Hammond

Claire Hammond
Headteacher, Lanchester Primary School

Latest news

World Mental Health Day

Yesterday, Monday 10th October we observed World Mental Health Day. Thank you to all that donated, we are currently collating the money raised and will inform you of the total in next week’s weekly update. Every Mind Matters, for more information on how to help your child’s and your mental wellbeing please visit  the website.

Online safety

Being safe online is important, children have access to the internet through a variety of  sources. Within our curriculum we teach the children about esafety, as parents you also need to be aware of the dangers and take measures to ensure online safety within your homes. For more information about how to keep your child/ren safe online please visit the following website.

Friends of Lanchester

I had the chance of meeting with the Friends of Lanchester Committee last week to discuss the exciting events we have planned for this term. The Friends of Lanchester committee have written a message with information about each event and opportunities for you to take part in the Lanchester community.

Celebrating Learning Magazine

Our ‘Celebrating Learning Magazine’ September 2022 edition is out very soon! There is so much learning going on it has taken longer to create than expected. Please take the time to look through the magazine with your child and see what learning has been happening across the school in September. 

Notice board


Please make sure your child arrives at school before 9am

Nut free school

Please do not send your child to school with nuts.


A gentle reminder that for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 the children need to bring a snack to school.
No chocolate or sweets.

Packed lunch

A gentle reminder that for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 the children need to bring a snack to school.
No chocolate or sweets.

Dates for your diary

Mon 14th Nov: Odd Sock Day ➢ Tues 15th Nov: Y2 visits to St Paul’s Church ➢ Wed 16th Nov: School Open morning at 9.15am ➢ Thursday 17th Nov: Phonic talk at 2.30pm or 3.15pm ➢ Friday 18th November – Supporting Children in Need Mufti day ➢ Mon 21st Nov: Woodpeckers Assembly ➢ Tues 22nd Nov: Photographer in – individual AND sibling photos  ➢ Fri 2nd Dec: Occasional Day – school closed ➢ Thur 8th Dec: Christmas Fair – 2.30pm to 4.30pm