Autumn Term Newsletter #3

20th September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to those of you who gave your time to pop in to school on Wednesday afternoon for 'Meet the Teacher'. The teaching team were really pleased to see you and to share the beginning of the learning journey we have undertaken. It was great to see so many proud children showing their work to their families.

Values: We continued to explore our core values this week focusing on 'Respect', particularly towards other people. In assembly, we considered the importance of treating everyone with respect regardless of who they are or how they behave. It has been pleasing to see this value in the playground and around the school building. Next week, we will focus on the final of our 3Rs - Resilience.

Snack Time: We strongly encourage children to eat fruit or vegetable snacks at break time. Other snacks are suitable (cereal bars, fruit rolls etc.) but please avoid chocolate, sweets and crisps. Can I also remind you that we are a nut-free school.

Jeans for Genes: It is always nice to wear your own clothes and even better when you can raise money for a worthy cause at the same time. Throughout the day, we have shared some short videos with the children to help them understand about genes and how they shape who we are. You can explore these videos here

Votes for Schools: 'Should autoplay be switched off?' sparked some fascinating conversations in classrooms this week with 66% of children saying 'yes' it should. Next week's question is inspired by the preloved collections on display at London Fashion Week earlier this month alongside Oxfam's initiative, Secondhand September: 'Could pre-loved clothes become more popular than buying new?' 

If the wet weather keeps us all indoors this weekend, be sure to make the most of an opportunity to connect with each other: swap screens for boardgames, puzzles, cooking and story time. Whatever you choose to do, have a great weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr Matt Morey - Headteacher

Upcoming Dates...

Fri 4th Oct

Harvest Festival Collection. All children encouraged to bring in a food item to donate to the local foodbank to help those less fortunate than ourselves. See letter from Miss Hayes (RE Lead).

Thu 10th Oct

A chance to hear from Mr Morey and Mr Wansford (Director of Education) about progress and plans for the learning experience at Lanchester Primary School.

Tue 22nd Oct, 5-8pm & Thu 24th Oct, 3.40 - 4.40pm

Parents' Evening (Booking details TBC)


Whole school attendance has dropped this week to 93% which is below our target of 95%. It is vital that children are in school everyday so that we can build our learning sequences and strengthen our relationships together. Well done to Beijing for maintaining their place at the top of the table for another week.

Values Champions

This week, in our celebration assembly, we said well done to the following children for their excellent attitudes to learning. All of these children have been ready to learn, respectful of their teachers and resilient in a range of ways. Congratulations to them all!

Year 1: 

Rome - Oliver

Barcelona -  Pranav

Year 2:

Dehli - Raffay

Beijing - Arsalan 

Year 3:

Wellington - Avy

Sydney - Yousef 

Year 4:

Cairo - Linda

Kampala - Ruby

Year 5: 

Rio - Adrian

Cusco - Sucheta 

Year 6: 

New York - Maddie

Kingston - Felicia

Class News

This week in Reception

This week in reception we have started our journey in learning to read and have learnt 5 new sounds! We have also been getting to know our immediate surroundings and finding out the different jobs that adults do around our school. 

This week in Year 1 

This week in RE, Year 1 were exploring the Christian values of sharing and patience and how we use this in our every day lives. The children enjoyed putting this into practice with turn taking playing a variety of board games. 

This week in Year 2 

This week in Year 2, we introduced "Kassim and the Greedy Dragon" as part of our English lessons, focusing on characterisation. To spark the children's imagination, we began with an engaging hook activity where they made their own dragons. 

This week in Year 3 

This week, Year 3 had the opportunity to explore our school's 'Rock box' to learn about different kinds of rocks in Science, including igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. 

This week in Year 4 

This week, Year 4 found a mysterious tent in the playground. We used our investigative skills to make some guesses. Next week, we will see how it may relate to our new English topic based on the story 'Wild girl'. We have also enjoyed looking at the physical and human features of the UK to help us decide the way different groups of people invaded Britain.  

This week in Year 5 

Year 5 produced an amazing collaborative artwork for our creative hook in English this week. We are excited to study the suspense text 'Zelda Claw and the Rain cat' and unpick the hidden features. 

This week in Year 6 

This week, we have been examining the key features of a suspense narrative. Through using images as stimuli, we have collaboratively constructed sentences using selected vocabulary for effect. In addition to this, we have continued our journey through history, exploring the contributing factors that led to WW2. We cannot wait to continue this next week!

This week in Staff Meetings 

The teaching team continued the series of training sessions about making teaching memorable. This week's key principle was working memory is limited. Too much new information at once can overload our memory and make it hard to learn. We considered the need to make explanations concise and provide scaffolds if there is a lot to learn in one go. We have also continued to refine our learning environments to further support our learning.

Friends of Lanchester


We’d love to see you on Monday 23rd September for our AGM. Join us in the Small Hall at 7pm for a glass of wine, vote in our trustees and help us plan our fundraising for the year.

If you would like to take on one of the roles of Chair or Co-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, please come along. If you’re unable to attend but are interested in taking on a role, please let us know by emailing

Asda Cashpot

We’ve currently got £70 in our Asda cashpot so thank you to everyone who has signed up so far!

If you haven’t yet signed up, it’s really easy to do. Download and sign up for the Asda Rewards app. Opt into the Cashpot for Schools campaign. We get £1 for everyone who signs up and we also get a percentage every time you shop and scan your reward app.

All of the money raised will be invested directly back into providing educational experiences for our children.

Christmas cards

It may seem a bit early but it’ll be here before you know it! Children will be designing their own Christmas cards in school and bringing the designs home for you to buy from a range of products like cards, mugs, keyrings. 

It was really popular last year and we’re really excited to see the children’s designs this year! The children will hopefully be doing them in the next couple of weeks and you’ll be able to order from October.

Dates for your diary

Monday 23rd September - PTA AGM, 7pm, Small Hall

Friday 25th October - Non-uniform day and bake sale 

Saturday 7th December - Christmas Fair 

Facebook: or Instagram: or contact us by email: 

Thanks for your support!

Friends of Lanchester committee - Sally Bownes, Helen Gibson, Tracey Bravo, Laura Robson, Michaella Simpson and Chloé Harper

Lanchester Primary School, Hempstead Road, Watford, WD17 3HD

Tel: 01923 224160 Email:


Headteacher: Mr Matt Morey
